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4 Mistakes Every Football Player Makes In The Offseason

Healthy Eating – Three Reasons To Rethink Including Milk in Your Diet

Are you a fan of cow’s milk? If so, it may be time to rethink the inclusion of cow’s milk in your diet. While milk is an excellent source of calcium, many drawbacks you need to be aware of can come from cow’s milk. Milk contains several different carbohydrates including lactose, glucose, galactose, and other oligosaccharides containing a small number of simple sugars. Lactose gives milk a sweet taste and gives rise to approximately 40% of the total calorie count. Let us take a closer look at what some of the drawbacks are and how they may be negatively impacting you.

Do You Make These Diet Mistakes?

If you’ve been on a diet for weeks, and aren’t losing weight like you thought you would, then today I’ve got a few sneaky habits that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Warning! You may discover a few things you didn’t know.

Healthy Eating – Three Super Reasons to Start Drinking Lemon Water Today

As you go about your healthy eating program, one thing you will want to ensure you are doing is drinking enough fluids. Staying hydrated is key to keeping your energy level up, your hunger down, and your blood sugar levels stable. If you want to make the most of your hydration, there is one way to do it: lemon water. Why is lemon water so beneficial?

Vitamin C For A Healthier And Longer Life

Your body always needs the right kind of proportion of nutrients to keep it healthy and make all the functions take place properly in the body. Vitamin C has been considered as one of the most beneficial nutrients that you can give to your body. A lot of health experts have had a lot of discussions regarding it and they have all come to the conclusion that this vitamin has endless health benefits to give for a healthy life and one must know about them in order to know what is best for their health.

Healthy Eating – A New Healthy Tea on the Market

Chances are by now you have heard how healthy green tea is. It seems everyone everywhere is jumping on the green tea bandwagon. We have discovered it can help you improve heart health, burn fat, and improve your cholesterol levels. Now, there is a new tea on the market. That tea is Matcha tea. What is this all about and should you be consuming it? Let us go over a few of the critical things you will want to know.

What Raises and Lowers Cortisol, and Why Care?

Exercise triggers the stress hormone cortisol. Managing cortisol and stopping it when necessary is important. Find out what cortisol can do when it stays high, and how to keep it under control.

Yummy Spa Water

They say you should drink eight glasses of water a day. It’s a lot more fun if you spruce up that plain old water and make it into something fabulous.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Are You Eating One Continuous Daily Meal?

Some people say it is best to eat two or three main meals a day. You might agree with them if you don’t believe several smaller meals are the way to go. There is an idea going around suggesting breaking up all your main meals into smaller portions. This idea is supposed to be a superior way to manage your food intake because it is suggested eating many smaller meals will keep your metabolism active. Eating smaller meals often each day is one of the most mistaken widespread beliefs regarding nutrition in recent memory. But we digress.

Top 7 Most Influential Health And Fitness People On YouTube

Fashion, latest trends, latest gadgets, these are just a few of the topics you can find on YouTube. I am wondering, there are lots of top influencers and YouTubers out there, if we are concerned on which clothes to wear for the next day, which updates we should pursue for our gadgets to benefit, we might as well concerned with our health.